Blouin Creative Leadership Summit, September 2015

Emerging Art Markets
The Blouin Creative Leadership Summit was founded in 2006 with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, the BCLS brings together an unparalleled group of leaders from around the world to explore global challenges and develop tangible solutions. In a panel discussion format, leaders of all kinds — including heads of state, directors of global agencies, CEOs, Nobel laureates, pioneering researchers, entrepreneurs, and other innovators — engage with one another. Panel subjects have ranged from the political and cultural fallout of the Arab Spring to ways that advances in neuroscience may change educational policy to promote creativity; from the urbanistic, architectural, and social future of cities to a re-imagining of the democratic process.
Mr. Lumbreras has been invited to participate as a speaker in the panel of “Has the Art Market Entered a Bubble?” as part of the tenth Blouin Creative Leadership Summit. This presentation will develop on the broad issue of how to recognize a bubble as well as narrower questions about the state of the art market. The summit took place at Metropolitan Club, New York, on September 21-22, 2015.