Don’t Believe Everything You Hear… Real Eyes Realize Real Lies

On Wednesday, April 20th 2016, The FLAG Art Foundation hosted a conversation between artist Jeff Koons and FLAG founder Glenn Fuhrman. Artemundi’s CEO Javier Lumbreras was invited and participated in the discussion centered on contemporary art’s theocratic temper. It is widely known that Koons turns banal objects into high art icons as part of his sarcastic modus operandi, which in fact trifles on the almost-sacred character that has been developed by the contemporary art followers. Despite how much coeval Koons’ practice is, it still borrows widely from art-historical techniques and styles; although often seen as ironic or tongue-in-cheek, Koons’s artworks are earnest and optimistic. When Koons was asked if he had suffered in his life (as if artists had to suffer in order to create relevant works), his answer was “Not really”. He did discern how some people are often empowered from negativity, especially the press.

[1] Title: Quote from Tupac Shakur