Artemundi is the only art investment company with a tested methodology spearheaded by the belief that transparency is the best policy; we operate arms-length transactions and accurate valuations. We tightly control administrative, operational, and maintenance costs and apply econometric indexes to our appreciation and exit strategies.

Estates & appraisals

Our extensive network and expertise allow us to provide professional appraisals for collections, museums, fiduciaries, courts, and IRS compliant non-cash charitable contribution reports. Our field of expertise includes Old Masters, XIX Century art, Impressionism, Modern, Post War, and Contemporary art.

Adhering to the high standards of the Appraisers Association of America, and USPAP, we deliver independent, ethical, and objective valuations for insurance, estate tax, charitable donations, equitable distribution, and liquidation purposes. Fees for written appraisals are quoted on a case-by-case basis.

For more information about estates and appraisals, please contact us.

How does it work

We have developed a proprietary investment protocol for each potential artwork acquisition based on decades of experience. Quality, provenance, condition, uniqueness, demand, and timing are some of the vital factors considered during appraisals.

Every phase encompasses multiple and thorough due-diligence processes, between 150 to 200 hundred itemized checkpoints per artwork, including every risk mitigation known to us and available in the industry.

  • PHASE 1
  • In-house Valuation

  • PHASE 2
  • Review & LOI

  • PHASE 3
  • Examination Protocol
    Consultant’s review
    External evaluation

  • PHASE 4
  • Final Reports
    · VALUATION SCALE (proprietary)

  • PHASE 5
  • Due diligence and closing

  • PHASE 6
  • Monitoring
    · Custody of artwork
    · Appreciation Strategies

  • Our strategy

    Transparency, compliance & arms-length transactions.

    Axioms & golden rules

    • Profit is made fundamentally at purchase through accurate valuations
    • Acquire artworks in which we can apply appreciation strategies
    • Keep administrative, operations and maintenance costs under control (expense ratio: < 1% AUM)
    • Control of investment horizon and exit strategy
    • Apply econometric indexes and decision support tools
    • Efficiently minimize transactional costs (i.e. VAT taxes and third party commissions)

    Appreciation strategies

    • Market research
    • Profit from art-market inefficiencies
    • Geographical arbitrage
    • Exhibition loans
    • Promotionals
    • Academic exposure
    • Scholarly contributions
    • Conservation/ restoration

    Benefits to investors

    • Trust
    • Transparency
    • Compliance
    • Professionalism
    • Diversification
    • Risk reduction
    • Superior returns
    • Tax efficient
    • Inflation hedge
    • Fiduciary duty
    • Economies of scale
    • Global market
    • Low expense ratio
    • Minimum transactional commissions
    • Low correlation to capital markets

    In addition, we innovate via:

    • Digitalization
    • Virtualization
    • Tokenization


    As early promoters of a safe and regulated art market industry, we believe transparency is the best policy. Therefore, we have applied the following measures to our daily operations:

    • Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations.
    • Operation under Know Your Customer (KYC) guidelines.
    • Verification of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) is critical to safeguarding each of our transactions’ integrity.
    • Observance of the OECD Standards to fight corruption, bribery and promote integrity in the public and private sectors.
    • Practice aligned with the Principles for Responsible Investment guidelines promoted by The United Nations.

    By incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in our investment decisions, ensure that all relevant criteria are accounted for when assessing risk and return.

    Heritage & taxation

    As art collectors ourselves, we understand the intricate balance between the emotional motivations and the financial footprint of each art treasure hunt. Regardless of the size of a collection, estate planning is an essential step that empowers the collector through an active role to ensure his or her artistic vision will endure over time.

    Our key to succession planning of a collection is, first and foremost, to understand the collector’s vision and innermost wishes. And from there, we can craft provisions and mechanisms before disposition to ensure fairness, avoid family disputes and protects the beneficiaries from expensive taxes and art management workload.

    Have you given a thought to what you want to do with yours?

    For more information about heritage and taxation, please contact us.

    Curatorial research

    Our curatorial research service can assist you in the interpretation of your collection to inform, educate and inspire through the act of selecting, organizing, and presenting artworks for display.

    Our investigation examines the cultural, artistic, historical and emotional significance of any piece in your collection. Our curatorial skills can considerably enrich the provenance, documentation and visual archive of your artwork.

    For more information about curatorial research, please contact us.