The thrill of the hunt

We’ve all felt it – the rush that you get when you feel as though you got a really good deal. Although opportunities can be excellent, they can also be rare, so acting swiftly upon rare offers is key.
Emergency times can trigger some privately-owned artworks to resurface the market again. Macroeconomic financial havocs, medical crisis or political uncertainties usually lead to the liquidation of certain tangible assets, such as art, to balance the books of parallel business under financial stress.
William Acquavella, American art dealer and gallerist, accurately often advice his clients: “You can remake your money, but you can’t remake the painting, meaning: that you can earn the cost back, but if you miss the opportunity to buy the work when it is available, it is likely gone forever.[1] Real or imagined, rarity is the non-plus ultra when art is sold. It does occasionally justify the price, but it also suggests an exclusive club of ownership: “The only other one like this is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.” [2]
Distressed sales can open negotiations on a much lower asking price range, allowing a profit since the acquisition of the piece. Sourcing of artworks certainly requires talent, and our experience has taught us that being known and trusted as an active cash buyer in the industry, confers additional acquisition opportunities. A strong financial standing in the art market as a “first sale” or “first look and final call” option can provide ample opportunities to purchase artworks from distressed collectors on preferential terms. Potential buyers are allured by years of reputation and track record. The immediate liquidity offered encourages sellers to sell their art to us as opposed to facing the uncertainty of auction mechanisms or slow and risky consignments to galleries with undisclosed liabilities. Simultaneously, this continuous submission of quality artworks at sale allows us to select the best opportunities in the market, identifying small jewels, which have not been on the market for a long time and have impeccable provenance affidavit.
It is under this principle that we decided to launch The Guernica V. Fund. With an emphasis on opportunity, we will selectively acquire a concentrated number of masterpieces at a discount to their long-term intrinsic value. Register in this link to learn more and reserve your investment allocation.

[1] Findlay, Michael. “The Value of Art: Money, Power, Beauty.” Artnet News, 7 May 2015,
[2] Ibid